At St Michael's Academy we aim to foster a deep curiosity and passion for the subject among our children. We aim to provide a broad and balanced Science curriculum that not only covers the essential knowledge but also ignites a sense of wonder about the world around us. We want children to develop a solid foundation in scientific concepts, processes, and skills while promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and a love for experimentation - preparing children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological society.
Curriculum documents
How is science taught at St Michael's
Lessons always start by defining what science is and recapping what was taught in the previous lessons or the last time the strand was taught. All lessons have a hands-on experiment/task so children get a high level of questioning, vocabulary, experiences and cognitive conflict. This involves the teacher doing more showing and less talking, so children are discussing what is happening between themselves. This enables teachers to assess children’s level of science capital in that strand and deal with those misconceptions as and when they arise. Each classroom has a lab coat which displays the language taught to children during science as well as each child having their own science journal to record their knowledge and scientific findings. Science is taught for a minimum of one hour a week.
What science looks like at St Michael's
What St Michael's children say about science
“I love being able to test things that I think are true only to find out I’m wrong. It’s exciting!” Y3
“Science is fun! I love learning about why things are the way they are.” Y4
I love science! We have just done space and it's amazing. It’s so different to anything else we have learned about before.” Y5
“Science just isn’t like other lessons. We always get to get hands on and do something exciting and learn in different ways.” Y6