Ho-Yen 2024 - 2025

Miss Stringer

Class Teacher

Mrs Maskell

Teaching Assistant

To find out a little more about the author your child's class teacher is named after then please click on the link below.



The Day No one woke up(1).jpg 

As part of our commitment to fostering a love of learning, we have set some clear homework expectations. Each week, Maths homework will be assigned on a Monday and is due back by Friday. We also encourage children to play Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) three times weekly to boost their skills. Daily reading, either independently or with a parent, is essential for developing literacy. Additionally, spellings will be sent home every Monday, with a test taking place on Friday. The more engaged your child is with home-learning, the greater progress they will make throughout the year. Your support is invaluable to their success!

On Tuesdays, all children partake in PE. Please ensure they wear the correct kit (plain white t-shirt, black shorts or joggers) and trainers. Don’t forget a water bottle!

Useful links to support your child's learning

Times Table Rockstars


Maths games



Grammar games



Spelling support


Yr6 Science games





Ho-Yen: Calendar items