Safeguarding Statement
At St Michael’s Academy we take our safeguarding responsibility very seriously. We have ensured (and continue to do so) that everyone working in the school has successfully completed the necessary clearance to enable them to work with children. We also have staff members specifically trained and nominated as the Designated Child Protection Personnel within the Academy.
Safeguarding Team
Matt Vella - Head Teacher, Designated Safeguarding Officer
Jeanette Cole - Safeguarding & Behavioural Lead
Estelle Casey - DDSL
Neil Pidgeon - DDSL
Emma Godden - DDSL
Jared Wiseman - DDSL
We would always hope to share any concerns we may have about your child with you, at the first opportunity as we hope you do with us about your, or any other child. Part of our legal duty to safeguard your children, may also include us needing to consult with and take advice from other agencies such as the Police, or Children’s Social Care, should the need arise.
Safeguarding means - Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment, preventing harm to children's health or development and ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care.
Out of hours/school holidays contact information
Jeanette Cole - 07535532026
Suspension and Permanent Exclusion-
Please find below further information and guidance
• Coram’s Child Law Advice service can be accessed through their website School exclusion - or contacted on 0300 330 5485 from Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm.
• ACE education run a limited service and can be reached on 0300 0115 142 on Monday to Wednesday from 10am to 1pm during term time. Information can be found on the website: ACE Education Advice CIC & ACE Education Training LLP | Home ( .
• Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (known as IPSEA –(IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice ) is a registered charity. It offers free and independent information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities.
• SEN Information Advice & Support Services Network (formerly known as the local parent partnership)
E-Safety at St Michael's Academy
We would like to share with Parents some useful websites.
The NSPCC Netaware website ( has useful and specific information on Social Media and insight including things that you can do to keep your child safe online.
Fortnite - Here is some useful information regarding Fortnite and some advice for parents.
Information about key social media platfoms and apps and keeping safe can be found here
Information about how to keep children safe online can be found here: – This website is really good and will give you recommendations on games, films and apps that are suitable for your child depending on their age. – This website is the main Government one giving advice for parents on how to keep children safe online. – This website offers advice in a variety of languages
NSPCC Resources
Parent/Carer Support
Take a look at information, support, advice and activities from NSPCC for parent and carers.
Activities to extend learning at home
Take part in games and activities at home to help children learn about speaking out and staying safe.
Online Safety Hub
For information on a range of different safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing images, parental controls and more.
Children – under 12
Childline have an accessible website with advice, support, games and activities. Children can change the language, enlarge text and also listen to the content. (5-7) (7-11)
Talk PANTS with your children
Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. From P through to S, each letter of PANTS provides simple but important messages. Download the free resources at